Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sight and No Vision

I overheard a conversation in which people railed about "THEM" coming here [U.S.] and taking "OUR" jobs! Then I thought: Somebody started a Company; decided to hire people for that Company; and AMERICANS have the audacity to LAY CLAIM to something they had NO hand in starting or building. Do you see how that thinking is problematic. Now, if you START your own Company (the way a lot of people who come here from other countries do); then you don't have to worry about anybody taking "YOUR" job, unless you give it away (by selling the Company that "YOU" started). Who programmed or bewitched YOU into thinking that you can CLAIM something that was NEVER yours; and will NEVER be yours if "C.E.O." or "President" isn't attached to the end of your name. Some of our countrymen are DOOMED; because they buy into this warped new "Capitalism" (that isn't really Capitalism), that teaches you to "get a job," live on CREDIT, and spend the rest of your life in DEBT [while you try to CLAIM something that doesn't belong to you (and you don't really benefit from), and something that the real owners will take away from you when they want to pay someone else LESS money]. #WakeUP
P90X Day 24
'KEMPO X' makes me feel like BRUCE LEE! LOL! 
 "From my lips to your soul!"
Peace and love...

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