Sunday, July 15, 2012

REDD'S Voice on Homophoia and Black Consciousness


Someone asked a question about "Homophobia" in a forum designated for AFRICAN-AMERICANS who are supposed to be "socially conscious." But I find that these people are only advocates for AFRICAN-AMERICAN heterosexual Christians. A lot of people made homophobic comments in the forum; and tried to make the case that homosexuals are evil, killing our society, and somehow responsible for murder and rape [among other things]. When you begin to qualify whom you'll be "socially conscious" for [and not be "conscious" across the board], you can quickly become "socially UNconscious" in a lot of areas. I'm going to post my reply (to the topic in the forum)...

REDD'S Commentary

"WOW! The vitriol and absence of mature, objective conversation in this area speaks volumes. Humanity is mentally and emotionally WEAK; so weak that people can teach us to HATE other people [in the name religion or mere IGNORANCE], and instead of us researching the ideology and philosophy of the generation(s) before ours, we just blindly accept and internalize that same IGNORANCE. Then, we grow to believe it so fiercely that we become adamant in our disdain and opposition to any issues or subject matter that we've been programmed to dislike, and have never taken the time to research or study.

As a mature and (hopefully) wise adult, I try to view matters from as many different angles as possible. I don't want to be ignorant; and I definitely don't want my son to be ignorant [or intolerant to anyone based on gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual preference, political or religious beliefs]. Bisexuals, homosexuals, and even transgendered people are human, first. They live, love, and have highs and lows in life like everyone else. Those who are attracted to the same gender do NOT endanger by life, my family, my religion, my world-view, my political policy positions, or the society at large. Those who are attracted to the same gender are NOT part of some elaborate plot to destroy the world; otherwise, that would have happened thousands of years ago when homosexuality was the norm in some regions, cultures, and religions (as a religious rite). Homosexuality should NOT be compared to murder, molestation, rape, incest, or malice. I doubt that homosexuals are thinking about the ills of another person's personal code of morality, in their quest to be a viable part of the nation. They just want to live and love; in a Democratic Republic where they - by the letter of the law - have the inalienable right to do so.

I don't like to make comparisons, per se; because I believe that all comparisons are odious, in one way or another. But I am baffled by those who want African-Americans [human beings] to have the same liberties as any other non African American (heterosexual; it seems) citizen, then rail against the HUMAN RIGHTS of Homosexuals [human beings] who want the liberties that their votes and tax dollars dictate that they should have. They are NOT sub-par beings or 3/5ths human. They are 100% human beings with a 100% right to live as they desire to live in a nation that promotes "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" for every human being. I could go on, but, I digress for now."
"From my lips to your soul!"
Peace and love...

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