Monday, July 2, 2012

The R.E.D.D. Revolution, Inc.

The R.E.D.D. Revolution [Reduction and Elimination of Devastating Debt] is a non-profit organization designed to eliminate the DEBT and stop the HOME FORECLOSURE crisis facing our fellow AMERICANS. The R.E.D.D. Revolution is a division of the Christian International Fellowship. We believe that it is our Christian duty to assist ALL of GOD'S children; so that they can see and experience the compassion of CHRIST through the work that we believe we are called to do.

As a non-profit organization, ALL of the funds that we generate are used for DEBT ELIMINATION and ANTI-FORECLOSURE purposes ONLY. We collect money and use that money to eliminate DEBT; slowly and legally repair the CREDIT of everyone we help; and acquire and pay off the properties of those facing FORECLOSURE. We also put all participants through a Money & Credit Management course; designed to keep them out of debt and teach them how to budget their money, live within their means, and spend using cash ONLY. ALL participants must cut their credit cards and close all open lines of credit.

The REVOLUTION involves embracing a NEW and better way of viewing PERSONAL FINANCE and CREDIT! We will NOT:

[1] Live on CREDIT;

[2] Live in DEBT (or by a code of perpetual debt);

[3] Purchase what we can't pay cash for;

[4] Purchase major items that we have not thoroughly planned and saved for (Homes or Cars);

[5] Spend haphazardly (every dollar must be accounted for and have a destination).


"From my lips to your soul!"

Peace and love...

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