Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sight and No Vision

I overheard a conversation in which people railed about "THEM" coming here [U.S.] and taking "OUR" jobs! Then I thought: Somebody started a Company; decided to hire people for that Company; and AMERICANS have the audacity to LAY CLAIM to something they had NO hand in starting or building. Do you see how that thinking is problematic. Now, if you START your own Company (the way a lot of people who come here from other countries do); then you don't have to worry about anybody taking "YOUR" job, unless you give it away (by selling the Company that "YOU" started). Who programmed or bewitched YOU into thinking that you can CLAIM something that was NEVER yours; and will NEVER be yours if "C.E.O." or "President" isn't attached to the end of your name. Some of our countrymen are DOOMED; because they buy into this warped new "Capitalism" (that isn't really Capitalism), that teaches you to "get a job," live on CREDIT, and spend the rest of your life in DEBT [while you try to CLAIM something that doesn't belong to you (and you don't really benefit from), and something that the real owners will take away from you when they want to pay someone else LESS money]. #WakeUP
P90X Day 24
'KEMPO X' makes me feel like BRUCE LEE! LOL! 
 "From my lips to your soul!"
Peace and love...

Monday, July 16, 2012

REDD'S Starbuck's Experience Monday July 16, 2012

[REDD'S Starbuck's Experience] "Picture this" ATLANTA 2012, I was standing on line at 'Starbuck's' preparing to order a venti iced green tea. I looked to my left and this baby was staring at me, giggling, and bouncing in his high chair. I guess his father was curious to know what got him so excited; so he turned around, smiled, and followed the gesture with the words, "He likes you." Of course, he does; all babies like REDD! DUH! LOL! But, the moral of the story is: Babies don't see GENDER, ETHNICITY, SEXUALITY, POLITICS, RELIGION, BODY FRAME, or ATTIRE. They are TAUGHT to be biased, prejudiced, and or judgmental. What would happen if we could all view the world (and each other) through the lenses of that baby?
P90X® Day 15

'CHEST & BACK' and 'AB RIPPER X!' I feel like I'm getting my mojo back! LOL!

"From my lips to your soul!"
Peace and love...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

REDD'S Voice on Homophoia and Black Consciousness


Someone asked a question about "Homophobia" in a forum designated for AFRICAN-AMERICANS who are supposed to be "socially conscious." But I find that these people are only advocates for AFRICAN-AMERICAN heterosexual Christians. A lot of people made homophobic comments in the forum; and tried to make the case that homosexuals are evil, killing our society, and somehow responsible for murder and rape [among other things]. When you begin to qualify whom you'll be "socially conscious" for [and not be "conscious" across the board], you can quickly become "socially UNconscious" in a lot of areas. I'm going to post my reply (to the topic in the forum)...

REDD'S Commentary

"WOW! The vitriol and absence of mature, objective conversation in this area speaks volumes. Humanity is mentally and emotionally WEAK; so weak that people can teach us to HATE other people [in the name religion or mere IGNORANCE], and instead of us researching the ideology and philosophy of the generation(s) before ours, we just blindly accept and internalize that same IGNORANCE. Then, we grow to believe it so fiercely that we become adamant in our disdain and opposition to any issues or subject matter that we've been programmed to dislike, and have never taken the time to research or study.

As a mature and (hopefully) wise adult, I try to view matters from as many different angles as possible. I don't want to be ignorant; and I definitely don't want my son to be ignorant [or intolerant to anyone based on gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual preference, political or religious beliefs]. Bisexuals, homosexuals, and even transgendered people are human, first. They live, love, and have highs and lows in life like everyone else. Those who are attracted to the same gender do NOT endanger by life, my family, my religion, my world-view, my political policy positions, or the society at large. Those who are attracted to the same gender are NOT part of some elaborate plot to destroy the world; otherwise, that would have happened thousands of years ago when homosexuality was the norm in some regions, cultures, and religions (as a religious rite). Homosexuality should NOT be compared to murder, molestation, rape, incest, or malice. I doubt that homosexuals are thinking about the ills of another person's personal code of morality, in their quest to be a viable part of the nation. They just want to live and love; in a Democratic Republic where they - by the letter of the law - have the inalienable right to do so.

I don't like to make comparisons, per se; because I believe that all comparisons are odious, in one way or another. But I am baffled by those who want African-Americans [human beings] to have the same liberties as any other non African American (heterosexual; it seems) citizen, then rail against the HUMAN RIGHTS of Homosexuals [human beings] who want the liberties that their votes and tax dollars dictate that they should have. They are NOT sub-par beings or 3/5ths human. They are 100% human beings with a 100% right to live as they desire to live in a nation that promotes "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" for every human being. I could go on, but, I digress for now."
"From my lips to your soul!"
Peace and love...

Friday, July 13, 2012

Cerebellar Stroke Recovery

One (1) year ago [Saturday June 18, 2011 2am], I had two (2) CEREBELLAR STROKES. We discovered that I have a tiny hole in my heart [had absolutely NO idea beforehand] that allowed blood clots to pass and go up to my brain. I was unable to speak or walk for a few days. But, thankfully, cerebellar strokes don't cause permanent paralysis or permanent speech issues. I only spent three (3) weeks in the hospital; and made such progress that I didn't have to go to Physical Therapy or Speech Therapy after I was released. By the end of the Fall of that year, I made a FULL recovery [with no real residual effects; which the Doctors still can't explain away]. It's easy to get down (emotionally) or even depressed, while going through something so traumatic, when you think you'll never be normal again. However, with much prayer and a lot of hard work, nothing is impossible. So, I'm celebrating LIFE. I'm grateful to be here. 
The moral of the story: No matter how bad you think life is, there is always somebody in the world who has been worse off than you. The key thing to remember: You survived; and now you CAN and SHOULD help somebody else on their journey!
"From my lips to your soul!"
Peace and love...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Genius of the Pharaohs of ancient EGYPT

[Diorite statue housed at the EGYPTIAN MUSEUM in CAIRO, EGYPT. Diorite stone is similar to granite, but it is more dense and harder to cut.]

PHARAOH KHAFRE [reigned 2558-2532 B.C.]! I'm presently studying the Pharaohs of ancient EGYPT! I want to go see some of the carvings, statues, and busts of EGYPT from the 3rd-13th Dynasties (2649-1640 B.C.) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NEW YORK. I'll plan that for the beginning or the middle of August. I just realized I didn't get to explore an ENTIRE section of EGYTIAN art at the BRITISH MUSEUM the last time I was there [I didn't get there until sunset; so I only had approx 2 hours to browse]. Next trip, I'm going to spend an entire day in that section alone. I've developed such a fascination for northern & eastern AFRICAN art & culture, and MIDDLE EASTERN art & culture; this new appetite is swiftly catching up to my love for JAPANESE, CHINESE, and INDIAN art & culture. I'm such a nerd! #Poindexter 

PHARAOH KAFRE is responsible for the 2nd largest pyramid in EGYPT; and Archeologists believe that he is responsible for orchestrating the construction of the SPHINX [which probably exhibited his face before being damaged by EMPEROR NAPOLEON of FRANCE over 4,000 years after its construction]! EGYPTIAN citizens, not slaves, probably built the SPHINX [possibly 2,000 or more people; working year round until it was completed]. He was a smart guy.

I'm just wondering how the EGYPTIANS were able to make sculptures out of diorite, polish them, and move them around (because this particular state weighs a few tons). This statue of PHARAOH KHAFRE isn't going anywhere any time soon; it will probably be around until the end of time. It's almost indestructible. I'm fascinated by the genius of the EGYPTIANS. His son and successor MENKAURE is etched into GREYWACHE stone; which doesn't shine as brightly as DIORITE, but it's also a hard stone. Now, I get why a lot of these statues and busts from 2700-1500 B.C. have held up so well. I'm really intrigued! WOW!

The ancient EGYPTIANS fascinate me, tremendously. They seem to have managed time and resources very well. Plus, they didn't mind hard work. I've been learning to renovate homes; because I want to acquire more properties and renovate them myself. I always keep in mind that the EGYPTIANS made it happen without the kind of technology we presently enjoy. So, I can't complain or make excuses. I don't have to make bricks with straw; or chisel rock for walls or accents. I have it easy. They didn't have LOWE'S and HOME DEPOT! LOL!

P90X® Day 11

'YOGA X' makes me feel like a pretzel; but I love the challenge of it, and hope to increase my flexibility by leaps and bounds. I love yoga and stretching, in general. I remember when I was quite flexible; and I could do splits [in my Martial Artist days]. If I remain consistent, my extreme flexibility will return. I know that I have to take baby steps before I can run [figuratively].

"From my lips to your soul!"

Peace and love...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

REDD'S Journal: A Day in the Life Wed July 11, 2012

After a long and crazy day, a good workout is therapeutic. I'm going to sleep like a baby tonight. I think I may wake up and blog about a few things that have on my mind for the past week. I don't want this to just be about ME! I want to use this venue to help people think and behave differently. So, I'll work on that.

P90X® Day 10

'SHOULDERS & ARMS' and 'AB RIPPER X' are a bit of a challenge. But, in a few weeks, this will be "light work."

"From my lips to your soul!"
Peace and love...

Monday, July 9, 2012

REDD'S Journal: A Day in the Life Mon July 9, 2012

People say I'm "too smart for my own good." But my failure is in my kindness, not my intelligence. If I were rude (or a celebrity), I would get more results for all of the programs and services I offer. I have a non-profit organization that I need to build. But, the challenge for me is getting people to help with the work. When an organization isn't glamorized on TV, people don't usually want to be connected or involved. However, if I reach out to my associates at CNN and commit to an interview, I'll have people tripping over each other to be connected to what I'm doing. I think it's sad that we need the media and or celebrity to get people in America to participate in a worthy cause. I guess, in time, I'll have to use media to my advantage in order to get some real work done. The only problem with that is: after you're profiled on TV, you become a celebrity (local, regional, national, or international) and I really don't want or need that. Then I have to swallow my pride and remember, "REDD, it's not about you!" I can accomplish my goals and try to (on some level) live out my life as a hermit. I started this blog, as well, because I know that I have to use all avenues available to me to promote what I'm offering. I guess it'll work, for now.

P90X® Day 8

'CORE SYNERGISTICS' is a "beast." I did that because, this time around, I'm mixing the Classic version of the program with the Lean version; for a little variety. I love this; and I already love the changes I see.

"From my lips to your soul!"

Peace and love...