Friday, July 6, 2012

REDD'S Journal: A Day in the Life Fri July 6, 2012

I think the quote above speaks volumes. It says more within the confines of one sentence than I could even begin to write within the format of this blog. I believe it's easier to be kind and compassionate than it is to be evil and malicious. It also takes a degree of intelligence to analyze and manage one's thoughts when deciding between the two poles. Let's also consider that "Intelligence has its limits; but ignorance knows no bounds." I guess that's why we see a patten of wickedness more often than the few traces of love in the world. That's food for thought.

P90X® Day 5

'LEGS & BACK' and 'AB RIPPER X' are out of control. I hope that this time next week will be easier. I believe it will be. The more I push myself, the better my results will be; and the more my balance and coordination will improve.

"From my lips to your soul!"

Peace and love...

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