Wednesday, July 4, 2012

REDD'S Journal: A Day in the Life Wed July 4, 2012...

Today was a simple, lazy day for me. I had a major sinus migraine, so I stayed indoors. I was able to read a little, sleep a lot, and watch some movies on TV. I hope to be out of the country next year this time. That would be good. If I'm not out of the country, then I'll go to NEW ORLEANS for the Essence Music Festival. Decisions, decisions...!
When I was on FACEBOOK today, I saw a lot of posts citing slavery in 1776 as a reason why descendents of slaves shouldn't celebrate Independence Day. Well, does that go for the descendents of free 'Black' people who might also be the descendents of Abolitionists; the descendents of Latinos & Asians who are also descendents of slave owners; the descendents of Native Americans who might also be the descendents of slave owners or Abolitionists? There were all kinds of unions (during the 18th century) that produced all kinds of children. Do we trace the lineage on a case-by-case basis to figure out who should or shouldn't celebrate? I guess I'm just wondering when do we focus on the present and not focus on or live by the past (which we can't change).

The larger question is: Are we celebrating the Independence Day of yesteryear only; or is it safe to celebrate what has evolved from the initial Independence Day? It's all about perception, it seems. I wonder why the same people who hate Independence Day don't hate READING and EDUCATION in this country; because the slaves were tortured and killed if they could read or if they were educated. Why are READING and EDUCATION different? Should those things be rejected, too; according to that logic? There I go thinking again. I just wish that people could choose their battles more wisely. I'm sure that most of the people who have a disdain for Independence Day think I'm someone who is either a conformist or a slavery sympathizer. I'm neither. I just think that we can celebrate the progression of AMERICA from the original Independence Day to the present one.

P90X® Day 3

'SHOULDERS & ARMS' and 'AB RIPPER X'! Next week, I'll push myself harder; because I know that I can do so much more than I'm doing. I have such a few of doing too much and then not being able to pick myself up off the floor. Also, there's nobody here to help me out if I hit the floor. AARON FRANK comes over, but he normally comes before my main workout. I need to just take a chance. Whatever will be, will be.

"From my lips to your soul!"
 Peace and love...

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