Friday, July 13, 2012

Cerebellar Stroke Recovery

One (1) year ago [Saturday June 18, 2011 2am], I had two (2) CEREBELLAR STROKES. We discovered that I have a tiny hole in my heart [had absolutely NO idea beforehand] that allowed blood clots to pass and go up to my brain. I was unable to speak or walk for a few days. But, thankfully, cerebellar strokes don't cause permanent paralysis or permanent speech issues. I only spent three (3) weeks in the hospital; and made such progress that I didn't have to go to Physical Therapy or Speech Therapy after I was released. By the end of the Fall of that year, I made a FULL recovery [with no real residual effects; which the Doctors still can't explain away]. It's easy to get down (emotionally) or even depressed, while going through something so traumatic, when you think you'll never be normal again. However, with much prayer and a lot of hard work, nothing is impossible. So, I'm celebrating LIFE. I'm grateful to be here. 
The moral of the story: No matter how bad you think life is, there is always somebody in the world who has been worse off than you. The key thing to remember: You survived; and now you CAN and SHOULD help somebody else on their journey!
"From my lips to your soul!"
Peace and love...

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