Sunday, July 8, 2012

REDD'S Journal: A Day in the Life Sun July 8, 2012

What a day! I spent a lot of time reading articles and studying; studying a plethora of different subjects. I'm not sure why I was all over the place today, but I was. I'm in limbo as it relates to meeting space for a non-profit organization I've started. I will find out in a few days if I'm going to get the space Downtown Atlanta that I've been scoping out. So, I will keep my fingers crossed.

The first week of July is over. So, I can start blogging in more detail as planned. I've just had so much on my plate this week; and I wasn't able to really let loose in this blog as I had originally planned. But, I'll be posting more extensively as the days and weeks go by. I hope that everyone reading this blog will be able to get something positive and useful for their journey. That's my main goal; and I'll be working toward accomplishing that in the near future.

P90X® Day 7

'X STRETCH' was a breeze. I should add this to my routine approximately three (3) days a week; maybe five (5). I need to start preparing for my return to Martial Arts training.

"From my lips to your soul!"

Peace and love...

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